
Careena is my name, welcome to my site. I am a part-time dresser

I live in Ireland.


I enjoy the company of guys. I get interest from gay, bi and some straight guys who enjoy the company of a cross-dresser.


I am a genuine dresser who respects the privacy of others. I have a profile on I have met some very nice and interesting guys on it.


I put this page up to comunicate with other guys and girls,


I have put my photos and an external video section up to share with you. I dont have a particular type of guy or age


I like a guy to be himself and to feel at ease in my company. Should you want to contact me


you can do so by the contact form, or email me at I am also on my profile name is Careena.


I hope you enjoy your visit to my website and you leave a comment on the comments page and please free to upload your photos on the upload page. It's lovely viewing your lovely pics.


I have added a video page where you can view extenal videos, I will update them whenever possible to keep you entained.


Love from


Careena XXXXX